Galvanized / PVC Coted dimekarkeun Metal bolong Pikeun Anggar

Pondok Description:

Info dasar Bahan: Low Aplikasi Karbon Steel Lempeng: Konstruksi Kawat bolong, Ngajagi bolong, hiasan bolong, Filter, Sieving Diversified Pellet, Barbecue Kawat bolong, cages Hole Wangun: Inten Dianggo: Protection ninun ciri: Stamping Treatment Surface: coated Stamping dimekarkeun Metal bolong Kategori: dimekarkeun Metal bolong Treatment Surface Galvanized: tiis-galvanizing Téhnik Hot-galvanize: Spesifikasi Line Annealing: Roll beurat: Tengah-beurat Info tambahan bungkusan: AC ...

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Info dasar


Bahan:  Karbon Low Steel Lempeng

Aplikasi:  Konstruksi Kawat bolong, Ngajagi bolong, hiasan bolong, Filter, Sieving Diversified Pellet, Barbecue Kawat bolong, cages

Liang Wangun:  Inten

Pamakéan:  panyalindungan

Ninun ciri:  Stamping

Treatment beungeut:  coated

Stamping dimekarkeun Metal bolong Kategori:  Dimekarkeun Metal bolong

Galvanized Treatment Surface:  Tiis-galvanizing

Panas-galvanize Téhnik:  Annealing Line

Spésifikasi:  ngagulung

Beurat:  Tengah-beurat

Info tambahan

Bungkusan:  Numutkeun pamundut anjeun

Produktivitas:  500 Rolls per poé

Brand: FUHAI

Transportasi:  Samudra, Land, Air

Tempat Asal:  Hebei Province, Cina

Suplai Kamampuhan:  500Rolls per poé

Sertipikat:  ISO9001

Kode HS:  7217200000

Port:  Tianjin

Panjelasan Produk

Dimekarkeun Metal bolong dijieunna tina lambaran logam ku punching na gambar tiis. Nalika logam lambar geus ditinju, panjangna aslina tetep unchanged, tapi lebar na geus ngawangun, herringbone, jsb Spesifikasi ti Expanded Steel Mesh is generally expressed by thickness, mesh size (long pitch * short pitch) and area (long * wide). Expanded Steel Mesh is made of low carbon steel sheet, which is divided into small mesh, large mesh and heavy mesh. Small nets are generally used as concrete skeletons for walls, columns, ceilings, etc. of buildings, and also as protective layers for doors and windows. The large Expanded Metal Mesh is generally used as the protective cover of the machine, the isolation net of factories, warehouses, substations and some filtering equipment. Heavy-duty network is mostly used in platforms and escalator pedals on mines, washing plants and other structures and large-scale equipment to replace pattern steel plates and cabinets. Expanded Mesh can also be used as skeleton in high strength concrete structures. Its characteristics are light weight and no water accumulation.




1. ketebalan: 0.5mm-8mm;

2. Width tina bolong: 2.5mm-50mm;

3. bolong panjangna: 4.5mm-100mm;

4. Batang: 0.5mm-8mm;

5. Width: 0.5m-2m;

6. Network panjangna: 1m-4m.



Urang nawiskeun konsumén urang:

- sampel FREE bakal disadiakeun dina 1-2 poé.

- Produk sahiji kualitas rupa, harga nguntungkeun sarta layanan pos-diobral nyugemakeun.

- genah mésér beban wadahna produk dicampur.

- pangiriman KUMIS sarta layanan angkutan standardized.

- istilah Diversified dagang kayaning Badan, Panawaran Cibeureum, counter dagang, OEM, Assembling atanapi Processing on bahan disadiakeun atawa desain.


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Categories produk: Kawat bolong Produk> dimekarkeun Metal bolong

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