Għolja Tieqa screening Kwalità Aluminium Alloy

Deskrizzjoni fil-qosor:

Basic Info Model No.: FH-Window Screen Weaving: Plain weaving Function: Insect Resistant, Anti-theft, Other Certification: CE, SGS, ISO Material: Aluminium Wire Color: Silver, Green, White, Brown, Etc.: Width: 0.5M-1.52M Length: 30M, 50M, Etc: Mesh Size: 16×16, 14×14, 18×16, 20×20 Additional Info Packaging: Plastic bag then carton box or as your requirement. Productivity: 50Rolls per day Brand: FUHAI Transportation: Ocean,Land,Air Place of Origin: Hebei, China Supply Abili...

Dettall tal-prodott

prodott Tags

bażiku Info

Mudell Nru .: FH -Window Screen

Insiġ:  Plain insiġ

Funzjoni:  insect Reżistenti, kontra s-serq, Ieħor

Ċertifikazzjoni:  CE, SGS, ISO

Materjal:  Wajer Aluminum

Kulur: Silver, aħdar, abjad, kannella, Eċċ .:  Wisa ': 0.5m-1.52M

Length: 30M, 50M, Etc: Mesh Size: 16×16, 14×14, 18×16, 20×20

addizzjonali Info

Ippakkjar:  borża tal-plastik imbagħad kaxxa tal-kartun jew bħala ħtieġa tiegħek.

Produttività:  50Rolls kuljum

Brand: Fuhai

Trasport:  Oċean, Art, bl-Ajru

Post ta 'Oriġini:  Hebei, iċ-Ċina

Provvista Abbiltà:  50Rolls kuljum

Ċertifikat:  ISO9001-2008

Kodiċi tas-SA:  7616910000

Port:  Tianjin

Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott

High Quality Aluminum Alloy Tieqa screening

Materjal ta ' Aluminju Wire Mesh: Al-Mg Alloy wire

Weave pattern of Aluminum wajer netting : Plain weave

Il-karatteristika ta ' Aluminju Tieqa Tgħarbil :Light weight, good corrosion resistance and rust resistance, flexible, good air flow and easy cleaning.

The Application of Aluminum Insect Screen:

Aluminum Alloy Window Screening be used as Insect Screening or shade against flies and mosquito, machinery protection, ventilation material and receiving signals.Strong and durable screening that resists rust and will not sag.

The specification of Aluminum Mosquito Screen:



S ize (m)

14 × 14

0.21, 0.23, 0.25

W idth : 2 sa 6

L ength : 50-300

16 × 16

0.21, 0.23, 0.25


0.19, 0.21, 0.23, 0.25

20 × 20

0.17, 0.19, 0.21, 0.23

Packing of Aluminum Mesh: Waterproof paper then plastic bag, wooden case or as your requirement.

Aħna wkoll jipprovdu galvanizzati Wire Mesh , Stainless Steel minsuġ malja , Fiberglass malji u Ċint Wire Mesh products. Just contact us freely for more details.


Noffru lill-klijenti tagħna:

- kampjun Ħieles ser jiġu jipprovdi fi żmien 1-2 ijiem.

- Prodotti ta 'kwalità multa, prezz favorevoli u servizz sodisfaċenti wara l-bejgħ.

- Konvenjenza li jixtru tagħbijiet kontenitur ta 'prodotti mħallta.

- kunsinna Speedy u servizz ta 'trasport standardizzat.

- it-termini Diversified kummerċ bħal Aġenzija, offerti Internazzjonali, il-kummerċ Counter, OEM, Armar jew Ipproċessar fuq materjal fornut jew disinji.


Aluminum Alloy Window Screening

Aluminum Alloy Window Screening

Aluminum Insect Screen

Aluminum Wire Netting


COME li jagħżlu Fuhai & SHARE-SUĊĊESS!


Looking for ideal Aluminum Wire Netting Manufacturer & supplier ? We have a wide selection at great prices to help you get creative. All the Aluminum Alloy Window Screening are quality guaranteed. We are China Origin Factory of Aluminum Insect Screen. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.

Kategoriji Prodott: Wajer Prodotti tal-malji> Aluminju Wire Mesh

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